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⊱ ☆ Perfect imperfections? ☆ ⊰

Ok, although I had indeed taken a photo of me with absolute no make up, it was only a webcam shot, which to be honest blurs out quite a lot.
Today, with no intention of anything at all, I took a photo again with no make up, of my face and it made me think a little bit. I'm by no means any example of anything, my skin isn't great (as you can EASILY tell) and I have by far the least perfect facial structure.

But then I thought "So what? So what if my skin isn't perfect, is full of uneven skin tone, my facial structure isn't right and I have the worst case of break outs I've ever had?"... may sound silly, but I'm hugely conscious of how I look, considering I had been picked on for how "bad" I looked before. I don't do this for the attention (what attention anyway XD?!)... but somehow, makes me feel better about myself if I have the courage to just show myself as I am...

Yeah I could be here crying thinking "my nose is so big" or "I have random spots that don't go away" and so on so on, but why so?...I mean people tend to focus so much on their perceived "imperfections" and don't realise what they really have... to the point they can't even accept they have at least one nice feature...
Why don't people start saying "wow I have such pretty eyes" or "My lips are really cute"... and focus the attention to the positives?

I don't know if this is a rant or not, it wasn't intended to be so, just a little thought from someone who is somehow extremely self conscious about her image, due to previous bullying. But why let that control your future life to begin with. We are all so beautiful in our way,  it'snot just out face that counts, or our body, but the inside and who we truly are that reflects our outer beauty. Believe it or not, is a given fact that, when people fall in love with someone, that someone's "imperfections" become automatically overwritten... if you transmit love of yourself, people will like that and they will like you, if they like that, they won't even notice your "negative" points. Don't expect the whole world will fall in love with you though! haha xD!... that would be strange!

Positivity breeds more positivity.... it's about time I took my own advice dam it! :D
Love yourselfs, but don't overdo it either D:! Too much of something, is just as bad

.... wait, did I just quote Spice Girls....?
⊱ ☆ Perfect imperfections? ☆ ⊰ ⊱ ☆ Perfect imperfections? ☆ ⊰ Reviewed by Jojo Neko on September 10, 2012 Rating: 5

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