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Kitty Cat headsets

I have a not so secret obsession with cats. Well, whoever knows me, knows how much I love animals in general, but cats take a special place in my heart ♡ .

So any cat accessory always gets my attention, especially when it's done so elegantly. Now, not only I don't rate the Brookstone cat headphones highly (they are way too big for my small head), nor I'm a big fan of Ariana Grande, however, the limited edition chrome headphone edition really caught my attention. I just had to share this.

For someone into cats, and Ariana Grande, this would be the ultimate gadget; for me, bring me anything inspired by felines with a chromatic touch and I'll be all over it. For a limited edition the price is acceptable, even if out of reach for most. Then again, the original version was just as expensive.

After a look around the world wide web, I also found some other awesome (more affordable) cat ear inspired headset. Some rather elegant and others on the more cartoony/anime style, but have a look:

Thank you so much for reading (^▽^)
Kitty Cat headsets Kitty Cat headsets Reviewed by Jojo Neko on September 27, 2016 Rating: 5

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