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Sega retro titles re-released for DS and 3DS

For the fans of the very old generation...I mean... for the retro generation of gaming, this couldn't sound better! Three of the best titles ever released for the Sega Megadrive, will be re-released for the Nintendo dual screen handheld console throughout this year.

Following up the recent releases of 3D Fantasy Zone II (April, 16 2015)and Thunder Blade (May 14, 2015), we are now ready to receive a second batch of Sega 3D Classic Series including: 3D Streets of Rage 2 (July) 3D Gunstar Heroes (August) and 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ( September). All of these games will feature enhanced and remastered retro goodness and optimised graphics for the console.

All of these games will be available for only £4.49 each! And will be available for download on the Nintendo eShop on the mentioned dates.

All of those games simply took away my childhood (in the best possible way), and I can't wait to replay them!

Sega retro titles re-released for DS and 3DS Sega retro titles re-released for DS and 3DS Reviewed by Jojo Neko on April 15, 2015 Rating: 5

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