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Let's catch up, shall we

HAPPY EASTER! I hope your long weekend was amazing, I had to be working so....yeah...
So what the heck have I been doing recently? Well not only I have been trying to think of ways to improve my internet so I can stream some more (yeah I actually did a stream weekend and it was TONS of fun!), but I've also been trying to catch up on some games, TV shows as well as trying out some cosplaying. Not only that, but I have been reviewing my life in general. IT'S SO MUCH FUN! hahah. So please forgive me for the lack of updates <3! But let's have a quick catch up, shall we?

Recently I got Bravely Second for 3DS and Far Cry Primal for PS4. Unfortunately I haven't been able to spend as much time as I'd wish playing these two gems, but given I am commuting tomorrow, catching up on Bravely Second seems like a good possibility! Cex for all of your cexy needs! Can you tell which company I work for?.....

Not just games but also been rewatching good old Breaking Bad... I had forgotten how amazing it is! BUT I am about to start watching a couple of series that some friends have recommended me, namely Under the Dome and possibly Revolution.

Ok so I have never been really active at cosplaying, by that I mean, I have never done it before, so this is a new interesting field for myself! I will be doing my best to come up with a Suicide Squad Harley Quinn outfit for the upcoming May MCM in London! And I genuinely can't wait

I want to do some more updates in the future with plans, gets and some other stuffs that's coming up :D! For now, enjoy your week =)
Let's catch up, shall we Let's catch up, shall we Reviewed by Jojo Neko on March 28, 2016 Rating: 5

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